Members of RiCES, a new research group that we have established at the University of Lincoln, have been invited to talk at Anglia Ruskin in May. Here’s the detail. Do come along if you can.
May 13th 2015, 3.30-6.30pm. Marconi Building room 104, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Campus.
Critical Knowledge and Praxis
The seminar will explore the fate of critical knowledge and praxis and how it might have a role in progressive politics and revolutionary struggles against current injustices created and exacerbated by the violence of capitalist abstractions: Money, the State and its other institutional forms, e.g. the neoliberal university.
A key issue for the seminar will be the extent to which it is possible to operate as a critical scholar within a neo-liberal university, and to what extent it is necessary to develop other social institutions to carry through with the implications that form the substance of our work.
Winn, J. (2015) The co-operative university: Labour, property and pedagogy. Power and Education, 7 (1).
Would love to make this – vital stuff wi some of my favourite inspirational people! However that finance to travel from Glasgow issue and no institutional support, yet again, says it’s most unlikely to happen. Hope it’s a great event – suspect, most strongly, it will be 🙂
Is it likely to be recorded?